Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Vintage acquisitions........

I acquired my C-3PO 12 Back a few weeks ago. That is 2 of 12. Ben Kenobi is my other 12 Back. I also acquired my first Droids and Ewoks MOC figures. I find this short lived line very interesting. They also make a good collecting goal for budget collectors. Twelve Droids figures were produced on American Kenner cards and 6 Ewoks figures on American Kenner cards. Most of the figures can be found at reasonable prices with the prize figure of the collection being the Droids Boba Fett. He can run you quite a bit. Every collection needs a center piece. I acquired the four pictured figures for around $100 total. The Droids figues run a little bit higher than the Ewoks. Other than Boba Fett you can expect to spend a little more on C-3PO, R2-D2, A-Wing Pilot, Sise Fromm, and Tig Fromm. Here is a complete list of Droids and Ewoks Figures on American Kenner Cards:

- A-Wing Pilot
- Boba Fett
- C-3PO
- Jann Tosh
- Jord Dusat
- Kea Moll
- Kez-Iban
- R2-D2
- Sise Fromm
- Thall Joben
- Tig Fromm
- Uncle Gundy

- Dulok Scout
- Dulok Shaman
- King Gorneesh
- Logray
- Urgah Lady Gorneesh
- Wicket

Source: Star Wars Super Collector's Wishbook by Geoffrey T. Carlton (


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