Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Original Trilogy DVD..........

George Lucas has given in to the pressure of Star Wars fans. Ever since the creation of the DVD, fans have screamed for the original trilogy in original version on DVD. Today we have it. Lucasfilm refused the idea for a long time. I think they pulled out the calculator and realized the numbers were to good to pass up. You can go to your local electronics isle and pick up the Star Wars original trilogy on DVD as they were seen in the theatres. Yes, my friends. You can see the version that Han shot first, the Sarlacc pit does not look like an over grown egg plant, and Hayden Christensen does not appear in the glowing blue.

We are in the age of exclusives. If you go to Best Buy you can get a special tin to hold your movies. I am sure Target has some exclusive. Wal-Mart has a copy of the comic version packaged with each individual movie. I like comics. That means I made a trip to Wal-Mart this morning. Their are early reports at Rebel Scum that the version with the comic is varying in price. I got mine for $16.99 each. That is a great price for two versions of the movie (yes, the original version and special edition are both included) and a trade paperback comic of the movie. Normally a trade paperback comic would run at least $10.
Wal-Mart had three figure sets to go along with the DVD's. For Star Wars figures these are a deal. $9.96 for each figure pack. The A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back figure packs come with three figures and the Return of the Jedi pack come with four. Per figure this is a great deal. The current Wal-Mart price for an individual packaged figure is $6.63. All of these figures are repacks. That is ok with me if they are going to be this cheap. These figure packs are limited in quantity and only can be found at Wal-Mart. If you want them, get them now.


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