Tuesday, September 12, 2006

JC Penny Catalog Set...............

Let us get back to the vintage era.

Even though this item is not the most rare or value item in my collection, it is unique. I did not even know that people collected sets offered in catalogs until I read John Kellerman's Star Wars Vintage Action Figures. In the book, Kellerman list out all the different catalogs that offered Star Wars figures and in what combinations they came.

I have the Penny's catalog #655-6161 four pack of the original versions of Leia, Luke, Han, and Vader. This set was offered in the 1984 Christmas catalog for JC Penny's. All the figures in these sets came in baggies. The box that I have is in decent shape, not great. All four figures are in great shape still sealed in their original baggies. I came across this on eBay and the seller was open for offers. I had the best offer. These catalog sets in my opinion, are unique and rare items that collectors can come by for an affordable price. I do not see the demand for these being high. Please tell me if I am wrong. I know that I could break this set up and sell each figure individually for more than I paid for the set. That would be dumb, of course. These catalog sets must stay together. You cannot find very many of them.


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