Friday, January 13, 2006

What is a 12 back?.......

What is a 12 back? Is it different than a 21 back? Collectors come up with terminology to define differences of various packaging. The term "back" is put on the different variants of cardbacks. When the first carded figures hit the stores back in good ole 1978, you had twelve figures available. These twelve figures are pictured on the back of the cardbacks. Later on in '78, eight more figures became available for purchase on a cardback. With the addition of these, twenty figures were pictured on the back. Later on Boba Fett was produced making a 21 back.

Going even further, some cardbacks with the same number had slight differences. For an example, you can find 3 versions of 12 backs. These are designated with a letter, such as "12 back c." The front side of the cardbacks have a designation: "SW" for Star Wars, "ESB" for Empire Strikes Back. "ROTJ" for Return of the Jedi, and "POTF" for Power of the Force. A number is used to define the differences between the front variants.

For detailed information on this subject, pick up a copy of John Kellerman's Star Wars Vintage Action Figures. Kellerman has detailed the different front back card combinations. He has an ongoing record of the known combinations in existence. The record has grown since the publication of the book. The Kellerman Matrix can be found at Rebel Scum for the updated list. If you are into vintage action figures, Kellerman's book is a must.

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